Vinyl vs White cedar siding

When choosing the right material for your siding, it can be difficult to find the best one. It can be even more difficult to get an unbiased opinion. That’s why we have created this comparison of vinyl and white cedar siding to help you decide which is best for your home. White cedar siding One of the most attractive assets of white cedar is the fact that it is a natural product. Many homeowners are looking for natural products that look timeless and traditional. White cedar is great for insulating your home, which saves you valuable energy costs over time especially in winter. It is also great for absorbing sound and acts as a great sound barrier, making the home more peaceful and immune to the outside noise. Because of these factors, white cedar adds value to your home, should you consider eventually selling it. You can provide extra protection when pre-staining the white cedar due to its smooth quality. You can evenly coat the sides and edges. This also protects against the weather elements and premature finish failure. It also prevents adhesion and moisture problems by not letting any become trapped within the house. The longevity of the protection on the house saves time and money in the long run.   Vinyl siding One of the appealing aspects of vinyl compared to white cedar is that it is a cheaper siding option. The extra costs can build however when adding all the trim accessories. One of the most common issues people have with vinyl siding is that it simply doesn’t look as good as white cedar and other cedar sidings. Many complain that it lacks the aesthetic quality of natural looking materials as well as the craftsmanship that goes side by side with that. It can give the appearance of blending into the neighbourhood and looking very plain and uniform. Unfortunately, vinyl isn’t as durable as white cedar. The siding can fade, crack and even buckle over a long period of time. This means the vinyl needs replacing more frequently than cedar sidings. However, not just one area can be targeted and replaced – the whole siding will need replacing. Cedar siding on the other hands gives you multiple colour options so it doesn’t’ just blend in and look conventional. It is also much easier to repair than vinyl siding. Overall it appears that white cedar is more popular for good reason. Sometimes stretching the budget, a little bit further when renovating or improving on your home in Massachusetts can mean you save money and time in the long term. When siding your home it is important to consider how much you can afford but also how much you can potentially save if you choose an option like white cedar which brings with it reduced energy costs in the future. And last but not least, don’t forget that cedar is a natural product, which means that it’s green and eco friendly.
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