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Pros and cons of Hardie board siding

Hardie board siding was created by James Hardie and is also known as cement boarding. It has been around for centuries and is very popular with homeowners for good reasons. In this article we will be exploring the pros and cons of Hardie board siding to help you decide whether to use this material for your home or not. Pros Appearance – One of the defining factors of Hardie board siding is a camouflage ability. Material appearance is as almost any other siding material. This includes cedar shingles, wood lap boards and wood shake siding materials. The color options available are seemingly unlimited and come with a 15-year warranty on the finish. Longevity – Hardie board siding comes with a 50-year guarantee that it won’t become damaged due to rot or insect infestations and other weather elements. Fire resistant–  Hardie board protects against fired damage of any kind.This is because of the constituent materials that make up Hardie board siding: 90% sand and cement. Storm resistant –Weather durability is one of the most important factors people look for when choosing siding for the outside of their home. Hardie board siding has incredible weather durability and can withstand rain, winds and storms alike.  Cons High installation costs: One of the only downsides to Hardie board siding is the higt cost of installing the complicated material. It requires more planning, more workers, and takes a lot more time to install due to the heaviness of the composition. It can weight up to 300 pounds per 100 square feet. This compares drastically to standard cedar siding which is less than a 1/3 of the weight at just under 100 pounds per 100 square feet. Maintenance: Another con of the siding material is the need to re-paint it. The outside paint only has a guarantee of 15 years.   To summarize, Hardie board is a great option based on its durability, longevity and look. It is an impressive assets for considering its price. Nowadays, more and more homeowners switch to Hardie boards every year. It’s time-proofed, good option for every homeowner. If you still have questions about Hardi Boards, don’t hesitate to call us!
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